“Bring me a handful of pure,
Our Neva-river water cold,
And from your little head golden
I’ll wash blood-traces away.”
Medusas Head
So there is a Medusas head.. filed with destructive rage and vengefulness as a part of the story it also tells of sexuality power mastery and freedom as an offering of oppressed woman.
But was Medusa really the evil creature she is portrayed to be?
Did she really wish a stoney death to all who met her gaze?
Maybe Medusa wept for that which she saw. Her own heart was strangled by the coldness which ran through her veins when she gazed into the souls of the eyes
that met hers.
What would be reflected back at you? At me…?
Are there any cold shards… surrounding your and my heart that need to be delicately released and cleared?
As an offering of oppressed woman. The mental anguish..invisible pain, invisible shame. The only reflection of the pain in the face.
The absent face.
Im my story medusas head is gone, just like that, cut, severed,
what remains when the fear is gone… is love.
And If you’re not familiar with the story of Medusa; here is a quick overview:
Medusa’s Story
Medusa was a beautiful protector of Athenas temple, seduced by the angry or vengeful Sea God Poseidon, who really wanted, unsuccessfully, to win Athenas hearth.
Athena, already jealous for her Medusas bountiful beauty and her hair, angry that the sanctity of her temple was violated, turned Medusa’s hair to snakes and made her gaze so terrifying it turned men to stone.
Medusa retreated to a small garden isle to live in seclusion with her two gorgon sisters. However, the isle slowly became covered with stone statues as heroes and warriors sought her out to slay her…
One such hero, Perseus, set out on a conquest to kill Medusa. Athena helped Perseus succeed by lending him her shield and he has bee aid by other Gods too…
Perseus used the shield as a mirror to avoid Medusa’s gaze as he cut off Medusa’s head and slipped it into a magical sack.
From Medusa’s neck, her two unborn children: the winged horse Pegasus and a golden giant warrior, sprang forth.
Her head was a potent weapon that help Perseus win many battles.. just a drop of the blood from her head could kill or heal a city..
One drop from her head has coloured a whole sea in red.. the Red Sea.
This was a most powerful and potent head in a history..
Athena placed Medusa’s head on her shield as a protection in times of the war…
And so has Mezuzas never fading promise to protect Athena manifested itself…
Från och med idag, den 12 april 2019
fram till någongång Juni 2019 kan mam se
en Installation av Joanna Bodzek
assistent Gosia Bodzek